I didn't update after my last Rheumy visit, but he agreed that I am doing well. The ds-DNA level is an indicator of how active lupus is, and it is much, much lower than it was a year ago. It isn't down to "normal" levels, but Rheumy said that since I am feeling good and have no other symptoms, there wouldn't be much benefit for me to increase medication in order to get these numbers down. In fact, it would probably increase side effects. We are going to start weening off the Prednisone now and continue monitoring to see how that goes. The good news is that I am considered "in remission" and I can start the 6 month clock for time in remission before trying to get pregnant.
In not so good news, I went to see Hemey today and think it is time to get a new doctor. I waited in his office for an hour and a half on my lunch break then saw him for 2 minutes as he looked at my blood work, told me I was too healthy for a shot, then told me to come back in a few weeks. Since my blood work has been consistently stable, I asked if I could come in once a month instead of every other week. He said one month this time (probably since he is going to be on vacation for the next couple weeks), but that I shouldn't count on it because I could go downhill at any time. I explained to him that it is difficult for me to take so much time off of work (his office hours are 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, with the last appointment at 3:45), but then he started lecturing me about how I have to make my health a priority. I said I know, but it is still hard to take off of work so often. He then told me again how important it is to make my health a priority...especially because I didn't before. WTF?! As if it is my fault I have lupus? Since I was diagnosed I have been very diligent about taking care of myself and following doctors orders, and now he tells me I don't prioritize my health because I don't want to pay him to see me for 2 minutes every other week to read my blood test results?! Anyways, I am not impressed with his level of care or bedside manner, so at my next Rheumy appointment I am going to ask for another referral. Sorry, just had to vent...
- a little lupie -