Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rheumy Checkup

Blood tests verified what I already knew...the lupus is active again :(

Rheumy gave me some samples of Duexis to help with the pain, but when I got home, I realized it wasn't safe to take while breastfeeding, so I'll probably just use some plain ibuprofen (Duexis is ibuprofen with an acid reducer).

I also had protein in my urine, so we're going to do a protein test with my next blood test to make sure the lupus is not attacking my kidneys.

We're not going to start prednisone or azathioprine or any other medication yet.  We'll check back in 6 weeks to see how I'm doing.

I wrote a few weeks ago about being stressed out by a big project at work.  Well, I've semi-resolved that...I applied for a new position at the same company.  I got it, and as I transition off the project, I'm finding that I have been feeling better.

Hope to have some good news to report in the next update...

- a little lupie -

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