Friday, January 25, 2013

My View Series #5

I was doing some internet research on what could trigger a lupus flare and came across a magazine called Lupus Now. It had some good articles to help lupies deal with their symptoms and learn to live with lupus. They have a section called "My View" where they have readers respond to a question. In the Summer 2011 issue, they asked, "What would you tell a friend who has just been diagnosed with lupus?" I really liked some of the responses, so I'll share some of them in a series of posts.
Don’t use lupus as an excuse to fail. You define lupus, it doesn’t define you. So get out there and do anything you want, even though people will set every limit on you. Keep asking if you don’t understand something, and research everything.—Kari Wall
- a little lupie -

Friday, January 18, 2013

My View Series #4

I was doing some internet research on what could trigger a lupus flare and came across a magazine called Lupus Now. It had some good articles to help lupies deal with their symptoms and learn to live with lupus. They have a section called "My View" where they have readers respond to a question. In the Summer 2011 issue, they asked, "What would you tell a friend who has just been diagnosed with lupus?" I really liked some of the responses, so I'll share some of them in a series of posts.
Be kind to yourself, be kind to those around you. Educate loved ones. Take time to care for yourself first so you have endurance to care for others. Find humor, chocolate and tolerance with your condition. You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it.—Paige Collins
- a little lupie -

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back on the P

I went to the Rheumy last week and described the latest problems I've been dealing with -- primarily joint pain and fatigue.  My lab results confirmed that lupus activity is up.  At this time, we aren't sure if the lupus is ramping up again or if this is just a mini-flare brought on by "over-doing it" over the holidays.  We decided to put me back on a low dose of prednisone (1-2 mg/daily) to help manage the symptoms and hopefully keep the lupus from getting worse.  The good news is that Rheumy said that as long as I don't have a major flare or have to go on 10+ mg of prednisone, I don't have to re-start my 6-month clock.

I talked to Rheumy a little about when I am supposed to call in if I notice any symptoms.  I feel silly calling in every time I have a little joint pain or feel fatigued.  It's really about knowing my body and knowing when something is out of the ordinary.  If I'm ever unsure, he said it is better to just call.

- a little lupie -

Friday, January 11, 2013

My View Series #3

I was doing some internet research on what could trigger a lupus flare and came across a magazine called Lupus Now. It had some good articles to help lupies deal with their symptoms and learn to live with lupus. They have a section called "My View" where they have readers respond to a question. In the Summer 2011 issue, they asked, "What would you tell a friend who has just been diagnosed with lupus?" I really liked some of the responses, so I'll share some of them in a series of posts.

Take every moment as just that: a moment. Truly, time, patience, and rest are essential to begin the emotional healing process of living with a chronic illness as opposed to being defined by one. The most challenging thing has been to not let lupus define me, even on the days it dictates what I am capable of doing.—Anya Brodsky-Smith

- a little lupie -

Friday, January 4, 2013

My View Series #2

I was doing some internet research on what could trigger a lupus flare and came across a magazine called Lupus Now. It had some good articles to help lupies deal with their symptoms and learn to live with lupus. They have a section called "My View" where they have readers respond to a question. In the Summer 2011 issue, they asked, "What would you tell a friend who has just been diagnosed with lupus?" I really liked some of the responses, so I'll share some of them in a series of posts.

Seek the support and help from those around you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Educate yourself but use multiple sources. Finally and most important, listen to your body! Rest when it says rest and don't feel guilty about it.—Cindy Sawyer

- a little lupie -