I was doing some internet research on what could trigger a lupus flare and came across a magazine called
Lupus Now. It had some good articles to help lupies deal with their symptoms and learn to live with lupus. They have a section called "My View" where they have readers respond to a question. In the Summer 2011 issue, they asked,
"What would you tell a friend who has just been diagnosed with lupus?" I really liked some of the responses, so I'll share some of them in a series of posts.
Take every moment as just that: a moment. Truly, time, patience, and rest are essential to begin the emotional healing process of living with a chronic illness as opposed to being defined by one. The most challenging thing has been to not let lupus define me, even on the days it dictates what I am capable of doing.—Anya Brodsky-Smith
- a little lupie -
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