Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Spoon Theory Revisited

No, I'm not talking about missing silverware.  If you haven't heard of The Spoon Theory, you can read about it in one of my old posts.  Living with lupus is an exercise in "spoon management."  In a lupie life, spoons are your currency -- each task, big or small, will cost you some spoons.  When you wake up in the morning, you are given a certain number of spoons.  It will vary day to day, but you'll learn to manage your day by how many spoons you have.  You'll learn to prioritize to make the best use of the spoons you have been given.

As the meme suggests, there are some days when just getting out of bed and taking a shower uses up most of your spoons for the day.  I've been there.  It is frustrating and depressing when these simple activities feel like too much.

In the previous meme I posted, it talks about going to the zoo for three hours and spending the next three days in bed.  Spoon theory would say that going to the zoo caused you to go negative in your spoon balance, so you spend the next few days replenishing your supply.  Sometimes, it is worth it to do this.  It's simply an exercise of knowing your priorities, planning ahead, and managing your spoons.

- a little lupie -

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