Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another Rheumy Day

Went to see Rheumy today.  My white blood cell count is back to the normal range, so it looks like the azathioprine is helping.  My red blood cell count, however, is still low.  Since my other lupus symptoms seem to be getting better (still no joint pain!), Rheumy is going to run some other blood tests to see if my anemia could be because of something other than lupus.  I remember being told I was slightly anemic when I first got diagnosed with hypothyroidism about ten years ago, so there's a good chance it may be due to something else.  We just want to make sure it is not the lupus attacking my red blood cells.  We should get the blood test results back around Wednesday, then we'll see if I need to go see a hematologist.

I also mentioned to Rheumy that when I stand up after sitting or laying down for a while, I get lightheaded and can't see for a couple seconds.  It is something I have always experienced occasionally, but I have noticed it a lot more recently.  Rheumy said that when you are laying down or sitting, your blood pressure is lower because your body doesn't have to fight as much gravity.  When you stand up, the nerves in your body help to raise your blood pressure so that it can get the blood up to your brain.  With lupus, sometimes these nerves don't work right.  We will see what my blood test results are, and see a hematologist if necessary.  If everything is okay and I am still experiencing this, I may need to see a neurologist.

Other than that, he said I am doing well.  We're dropping my prednisone down to 1 mg and I don't have to go back to see him for six whole weeks!  Looks like I graduated to the next level!  :)

- a little lupie -

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