Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Juicie Lupie?

Okay, so I watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead last night.  Warning, there may be some spoilers in this post, but I think we can all guess what happens -- fat, unhealthy guy goes on a juice fast and gets skinny and healthy. 

It really was interesting to follow Joe on his journey across America (though I'm still not sure why he had to travel across the US, especially when he's from Australia), but it was even more interesting to follow Phil as he started his juice diet.  Who is Phil?  Phil is a truck driver that Joe randomly met at a truck stop that had the same rare autoimmune disease (urticarial vasculitis) as he did.  Joe shared his juicing experience with Phil and gave him his card if he ever wanted to try it and needed help getting started.  Joe finished his 60 day juice fast and returned to Australia.  Months later, he got a desperate call from Phil who said he didn't know what else to do and would like to accept Joe's offer for help.  Joe dropped everything to meet Phil in Iowa and help him start a 10-day juice fast.  After 10 days, Phil was doing so well he increased it to 30 days, then to 60 days.  Long story short, juicing helped Phil not only change his health, but his whole life.  In addition, he was able to get off of the hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, and prednisone pills (sound familiar?!)!  He is no longer a truck driver and now spends his time helping and inspring others to get healthy and improve their lifestyle.
While I don't think I could do a juice fast, the film has gotten me to think more about my diet.  I definitely would like to incorporate more fuits and veggies into my diet and decrease the amount of processed foods I eat.  Here is a link to the Reboot website if you'd like to learn more about the program and juicing:

- a little lupie -

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