Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's not Orange Juice!

I went back to Dr. C today to do more laboratory tests and make sure my bladder infection was cleared up.  The good news is that the infection is gone. The bad news is that there was still protein in my pee.  Dr. C had noticed it in my earlier tests but was hoping that it was due to my infection and dehydration.

Low levels of protein in urine is normal, but high levels can indicate kidney disease. With my recent lupus diagnosis, there is the fear that the lupus is attacking and destroying my kidneys (lupus nephritis).

In order to measure how much protein is in my pee, I'll need to do a 24-hr collection. So instead of peeing in a cup, I get a big orange jug to carry around all day. Well, really, I need to keep it in the refridgerator. Hubby is a little wary of this and wants to get me a special biohazard fridge. I can't say I blame him...LOL.

We've planned "pee day" to be on Sunday so that I can relax and do my collections at home. I really doubt my co-workers would appreciate me storing my pee jug in the fridge at work...

- a little lupie -

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