Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year's Resolution

I just told one of my friends about my lupus condition and shared this blog with her.  She was reading it from the beginning and I suddenly get a chat message from her: "You go the whole day at work without peeing?!?" or something along those lines.  I found it kind of funny that out of everything she had read, that is what stood out to her.  I confirmed that it was true, but didn't remember writing about it.  She cited "Last post in January" for me.  The discussion that followed went something like this:

Her: Do you do that on purpose?!
Me: No, I just don't drink enough water during the day to have to pee.
Her: I will bite my tongue.
(One minute later)
Her: You really need to drink more water.  I'm really bad at biting my tongue.
Me: I know.
Her: Blah blah blah....water...blah, blah, blah....
Me: Okay, okay...I will make it my New Year's Resolution to drink more water.  I think I'll even make this my next blog post.

...and here we are...

- a little lupie -

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