Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lupus Education

So if you remember, May was Lupus Awareness Month.  While there are efforts made to raise awareness of the disease, I don't feel like we are doing a good job.  I saw a few mentions of "Lupus Awareness" here and there, but a purple ribbon and/or butterfly do little to educate people about what lupus is.  It may get people to recognize the term "lupus", but I fear that many are like I was 6 months ago -- clueless about the symptoms, causes, and effects.

The scary part is that you could have lupus and not know it.  When I went to the doctor with what I thought was a stomach flu, I had no idea what lupus was.  Even after my doctor mentioned it as a possibility, I thought "Pshhh...I don't have lupus!"  I knew absolutely nothing about the disease, but I was convinced I couldn't possibly have the scary-sounding disease.  Then I went home and did some research to see what this "lupus" was all about.  After reading about some of the symptoms and relating to a number of them, the light bulb went on, and I had an inkling that it was lupus.  When I got the diagnosis a few days later, I was still a little shocked, but kind of expected it.  I was lucky that my doctor recognized the vague symptoms and tested me for it early.  For some folks it takes years of not feeling well and dozens of tests and trips to the doctor before they are diagnosed.  While no one wants to hear that they have lupus, it provides an explanation for their symptoms and allows them to start managing them.  I think that is why it is so important to increase lupus education -- people need to recognize the symptoms so that they can get the help they need.

I am trying to do my part to share my knowledge of the disease and to share first-hand experience as a lupie to educate others, but I feel like there is so much more that needs to be done.  If you get a chance, please help me spread the word about lupus!

- a little lupie -

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