Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dream Interpretation

I was talking to my mom about my stressful dreams, and while describing it to her I think I uncovered the meaning behind it.  Or maybe I am overthinking it and trying way too hard to convince myself that it has some hidden meaning.

Anyway, to go a little more in-depth about the dreams...the situations were a little different, but in two of them, I have a whole room of stuff to pack in a short amount of time.  I'm in a really big hotel room or something so whatever I don't pack gets left behind.  The items in the room are not just clothes and toiletries...there are photo albums, a Christmas tree decorated with all the ornaments I've collected over the years, and all kinds of other momentos.  On top of that, I don't have a suitcase so I'm scrambling around looking for bags or containers to pack my stuff in.  So I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to gather as much as I can.  I'm forced to take a quick scan of everything, determine what is important to me, and leave the rest behind.

So I think you see where I'm going with the symbolism of this dream.  As I reach this time of transition in my life (hitting the big 3-0, recently married, my new diagnosis, etc.), I need to evaluate all the things I carry with me.  I need to realize what really matters and get rid of the rest.  Sometimes what's truly important may be something small that I had never paid much attention to before (in my dream, it was a particular Christmas ornament that held special memories, and I wanted to continue the tradition of hanging it on my tree each year).  At the same time, there are a lot of things that I can let go of, because although they seemed so important at one time in my life, they really don't matter in the big scheme of things.  There are things, both physical and emotional, that I've held on to for so long and now it is just time to let it go.

But then again, maybe it was just my meds and it meant nothing at all.  Either way, I guess I got something out of it...other than just a restless sleep...

- a little lupie -

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