One of the things in the goodie bag was Sara Gorman's book, Despite Lupus. If it sounds familiar, it is the same author as one of the lupus blogs I follow. I went to Borders the other day to find a lupus book, and they didn't have any, so this is perfect!
She also got me a 7-day pill planner pill box to help me with all my new medications and some various creams and supplements to help with my joint pain. One of the items is an emu oil that her grandma with arthritis swears by. Has anyone else heard of this? The bottle says it is a natural anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent that brings relief to a list of things, including rheumatism.
For my birthday gift, she got me an awesome memory foam bed wedge because she had read about how important it is for me to have a comfortable, nice place to rest. I've been spending a lot of time in bed and was thinking about buying's amazing that she thought of it without me ever mentioning it to her. Guess that's why she's my bestie :)

- a little lupie -
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