Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tastes Like Candy!

After my Rhumey appointment, I went to Costco to pick up my calcium chews and multi-vitamins.

As I've mentioned before, I have some problems swallowing pills, so I'll always look for alternatives. While taste may seem like a petty thing to worry about when taking medications/supplements, it really does make a big difference. It can mean the difference between wanting to take your medicine and dreading it. It may even mean the difference between taking your medicine or not. I applaud these companies who have worked to make good-tasting alternatives to pills.

I've tried different chewable vitamins, but my favorite is L'il Critters Gummy Vites.

I buy them at Costco for about $10 (for 220). This month there was a coupon for $2 off.  It is not a complete multi-vitamin and does not have any iron, but it is better than nothing. Also, it is meant for kids, so it does not provide 100% of the recommended daily value for adults. I don't know if I should, but I double the dosage and take 4 a day. They taste just like regular gummy bears, so I don't mind taking it. I've tried the new gummy vitamins for adults, but don't like the taste as much (they sell this at Costco also). I figured I'd go with the one that tastes better, because if I don't like the taste of it, it'll make taking my vitamins more of a pain. With my gummy vites, it is almost like a treat. They also make gummys for calcium, vitamin C, fiber, etc. but they taste a little different. I tried a sample of the calcium gummy but didn't care for the taste (it is creamy). I might give the Omega-3 gummies a try, though, since I've read that Omega-3 can improve lupus symptoms.

I also picked up Kirkland Signature Calcium Chews. I had tried Viactiv before, and while they were good, they are also expensive. I had heard good things about the Kirkland Signature chews, and they were cheaper, so I went with those. They are about $12 for 180 chews.  I just tried one and it tasted just like a tootsie roll. I won't mind taking these either.

I also wanted to talk a little bit about when and how to take calcium supplements because I know many people take them. In fact, my OB/GYN was telling me to take them even before I got diagnosed with lupus. She recommended 1200 mg/day, which is pretty standard for normal adults. The things I didn't know until I researched more were:

- It is a good idea to split your calcium into smaller doses throughout the day because your body can absorb only 600 milligrams of elemental calcium at a time.

- Iron supplements can interfere with calcium absorption, so it should be taken at least two hours before or after to maximize the absorption of both iron and calcium.

- Too much calcium (over 2,000 milligrams a day of elemental calcium) may pose problems for your kidneys. If you have had kidney stones or have a family history of them, talk to your doctor before taking calcium supplements.

- Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, and Boron aid in the absorption of calcium and can help prevent bone loss.

- a little lupie -

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie...
    Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you are feeling so much better. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and the world.
    Love, mama
