Sunday, February 6, 2011

In Sickness and In Health

Today is hubby and my first anniversary, and with my recent diagnosis, I am reminded of the vows we took -- particularly to love and cherish each other in sickness and in health.

Hubby has been wonderful, and while it sucks being sick, I have never felt so loved.  While I was at my worst (and before we knew my diagnosis), hubby took off of work to be there for me and help me with anything I needed.  When I started throwing up, he was there to take care of me and went to the store first thing in the morning to buy water, Gatorade, Jello, and chicken noodle soup.  He took care of all of the housework and disinfected the bathroom every time I used it.  The poor guy slept on the couch for a week, but I know he got up several times a night just to come check on me.

Since my diagnosis, hubby has been there to take me to my many doctors appointments, make sure I am taking care of myself, and make sure I am taking my medications regularly.  Before he leaves for work every morning, he'll put my pills for the day out on the counter for me so I don't forget to take them.  Sometimes I even get a handwritten note to remind me to drink plenty of water.  :)  These little things remind me how lucky I am to have someone who loves me and will always be there to take care of me.

When dealing with chronic conditions like lupus, the family and friends you have supporting you are just as important as the pills and prescriptions.  Thank you to everyone out there who has shown their support and concern by keeping me in their thoughts and prayers...especially to my hubby <3

- a little lupie -


  1. Happy Anniversary! What a milestone! Thanks for the's great to hear your thoughts and it helps others get a different insight of this condition. Keep blogging! - wlt :)

  2. Aw Jamie, this is sweet. I think you are such a strong person because even though you have been hit with the unfortunate, you have risen above it. It is amazing that so soon after your diagnosis, you notice the people around you. When someone find out that something is seriously wrong, it's so easy to just fall into a world of solitude, which is understandable. But you noticing all the small things and thanking everyone is amazing. It reminds me of Popo, who always thought of other people even during the hard times. You inspire me and I'm sure a lot of other people too. I'll keep you in my prayers. We all love you and don't forget it's okay to be frustrated and angry sometimes.

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

    <3 SC

  3. It's in times like that when it really life itself seems to test the strength and love you have with your spouse...and every single day brings different challenges and milestones. The two of you are very blessed to have each other to lean and depend on. I know for me, it's the tough times that I tend to look back on and see how Fred and I have grown. We're here for you if you ever need anything. xoxoxoxo Cuz!!!

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