Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lupus Hawaii?

I've been trying to find out if there are any lupus groups here in Hawaii. I've found information on past events like a lupus walk and a wine festival fundraiser, but nothing current. Lupus Hawaii organized many of these events, but the website seems to have been taken down, and no new events have been planned.  I tried calling the office and got a voicemail but didn't get to talk to anyone. Anyone know if the organization is still active???

- a little lupie -


  1. Try the facebook page. Lupus Hawaii usually has 1 or 2 events each year and it's always a good time to be around fellow Lupies. Cheryl tries to run the organization herself and it's just a lot for one person.

  2. Thanks for the info! I joined the facebook group, and will stay tuned for upcoming events!
